The generosity and good will of Liberty families raised $652 for our recent Goodwill Fundraiser. The teachers, administrators, and staff of Liberty Phoenix would like to express appreciation for the support of all the parents who consistently help us reach our fundraising goals.
Month: October 2017
History Of Halloween
What do you think of when you hear the word Halloween? Eating an endless amount of treats, playing scary pranks, or carving giant pumpkins may pop into your mind. October 31 brings a day full of costumes and trick-or-treating. But why do we celebrate Halloween? This spooky holiday dates far back and has changed quite a bit over the years.
Don’t Miss Trunk or Treat Night
Join us on October 31, 5-7 p.m., in the Liberty parking lot for Trunk or Treat Night. It’s all the fun of trick or treating, but none of the safety concerns. We’ll have jumping castles, games, music, food, and LOTS of candy!
Discoverer’s Day
The second Monday in October is a U.S. holiday celebrating the discovery of the New World. Discoverer’s Day, also known as Columbus Day, acknowledges Christopher Columbus’ finding of America, as well as the other important early explorers that came after him. Additional notable voyagers include Lewis and Clark, James Cook, Henry Hudson, and Amerigo Vespucci.
Candy Drive for Trunk or Treat Night
From October 1-27, we’re asking students to participate in our Candy Drive by bringing candy to school. The class with the most candy by weight will win a party. All candy will be used for Trunk or Treat Night on October 31.
Donate to Liberty and Receive a Full State Tax Credit
If you donate to Liberty Traditional by April 16, 2018, you can subtract your donation from what you owe the state on your 2017 tax return. Individuals can donate up to $200, joint filers can donate up to $400. It’s a win-win!
Pay Tribute to Your Inner Hero and Your Favorite Team
For the anti-bullying assembly, Heroes in Waiting, on October 10, students can dress as their favorite superhero. For Team Player Day, on October 13, students can wear the jersey of their favorite team.
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