We hope all of our students got off on the right foot for the start of this school year. Now that we have gotten through the very beginning, it’s the perfect time for a few reminders.
Come Visit Us at the ¿Papel, Lapiz o Tijera? Back To School Fair!
A FREE event featuring:
- FREE Backpacks
- FREE Supplies*
- FREE Medical Check-Ups
Saturday, July 25th
9am to 1pm
Pendergast Community Center
10550 W. Mariposa St.
Phoenix, AZ 85037
The Battle Against Boredom
With the summer winding down, many parents, caretakers, and even siblings are probably already tired of hearing the familiar whine, “There’s nothing to do!” For some it will come as no surprise that July is National Anti-Boredom Month. Since school doesn’t start until the end of the month here are some ideas to fight off the cries of “I’m bored to death.”
Announcing Kindergarten Boot Camp
Calling all soon-to-be kindergartners!
Hey Moms & Dads: We are having a “boot camp” to introduce children and parents to our campus and the new concept of a structured school day. Take advantage of this opportunity to ease your child (and you!) into the special experience of beginning school.
When: Week of July 13th to July 17th
Everyday 9 a.m. -1 p.m.
Summer’s Heating Up! Check Out These 8 Things to Do…On a Budget
Summer break can get expensive; the key word in this sentence is CAN. There are so many ways to keep children’s minds and bodies actively entertained while they are off school for the next few months. And enjoying fun-filled summer break activities does not mean having to empty your wallet.
Parent Survey: Your Voice Matters
At Liberty Traditional, we want to make sure every student is provided the best educational opportunities in a safe and friendly school atmosphere. Your satisfaction is important to us. Please take a moment to share your feedback with us by answering a few questions in this parent survey.
Thanks for helping us make Liberty Traditional a better school for your children and for you.
Spirit Week is Approaching!
Get ready for AzMERIT testing April 6-10. Use our fun Spirit Week themes to help you remember important tips for good testing! Check out the flyer to see what we have planned.
What Parents Need to Know About this Year’s Standardized Testing
Late in 2014, the Arizona State Board of Education adopted Arizona’s Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching (AzMERIT) as the new statewide standardized testing. The new exam system will be given to 3rd grade through high school students in April and will replace the AIMS test in reading, writing and math.
We wanted to answer some questions that have come up so everyone is aware and on the same page as we adapt to this important change in education.
What Not To Wear
Most folks are familiar with the TV show by that name. Many schools do their own version of what not to wear. They have a long list of clothing deemed inappropriate for school and spend a lot of time and energy monitoring how students are dressed every day. That is time unwisely spent, in our opinion—time that should be spent on the business of education.
Fact-Finding, not Fault-Finding: Preparing for Parent/Teacher Conferences
Liberty Traditional is hosting parent/teacher conferences March 26 and 27, and we’re excited to meet up with our parents for the success of our students. However, we know that sometimes uncomfortable issues have to be raised during a parent/teacher conference. How do you prepare for that?
10 Great Reasons to Like Going to School
Here are some cheerful thoughts for our wonderful Liberty students.
It’s great to have weekends and vacations. We all need them! But what would you REALLY do if you didn’t go to school most days? Let’s face it, most students get a little bored just hanging around home. When was the last time you were at home and told your parents “there’s nothing to do”?
Title I Plan and Parent Compact
Now that you know what Title I is and what it is meant to do, we’d like you to take a look at our Title I Plan and Parent Compact. This plan is intended to further the 2-way communication between the classroom and the home that helps students succeed. Please access the Title I brochure linked here and use it for helpful tips as well as a space to write out parent and student goals.