Liberty students will partake in the annual Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 21, enjoying the food each class generously contributed to the meal.
Month: November 2017
5 Ways to Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is essential for kids’ growth and physical development. The right nutrients help to gain more energy, improve mental performance, and boost the immune system. Just saying “avoid junk food” is not enough to convince kids to make healthy choices. These tips for healthy eating will get you and your child on the right path.
Teaching Kids the Dangers of Smoking
On the third Thursday of every November, smokers around the nation come together to take part in the American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. This event challenges smokers to quit using tobacco products and provides them with resources to stay away. Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the world, which is why the Great American Smokeout remains an important event.
8th Grade Car Wash for a Good Cause
On November 4, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Liberty’s 8th graders will be making cars shine in the Carl’s Jr. parking lot. Doesn’t your car need a good wash? Your generous donation will help fund the 8th grade promotion trip.
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