Thesaurus: Lexicon. Onomasticon. Reference book. Storehouse of Words.

People love to celebrate … everything. On January 18, Thesaurus Day is a celebration of the power of words. This date is the birthdate of Peter Mark Roget, who is best known for creating Roget’s Thesaurus. His name is so synonymous with this type of reference book that the publisher trademarked it. The original version of his Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, Classified, and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas was published in 1852 and contained 15,000 words; it has grown with each subsequent version. Roget’s was also the first book of this type that arranged synonymies in topical order, and it is this feature that many credit with the success of his thesaurus over others.

Cultivating Literacy with the Lost Art of Letter Writing

Throughout history, letters were the chosen method of communication for all sorts of information. Even today, people participate in a close approximation of this art form, email. Despite this, there is a very big difference between a letter and an email. Yes, email can be more quickly drafted and fired off to be received moments later by the addressee. Letters, however, take time—in writing and in sending.

Thawing the Winter Brain Freeze

Most parents today are well-aware of the studies showing that children lose knowledge and skills over long breaks from school. The holidays are a time of fun and relaxation for most, but, with a little planning, you might just be able to halt the loss of some of those skills and engage your children in inspiring ways.

Be True to Your School

You can help your school by taking advantage of the Arizona School Tax Credit. Arizona law allows taxpayers to receive a tax credit of up to $400 for donations that benefit our students. A tax credit reduces what you owe in state taxes, dollar-for-dollar. For more information and a printable tax credit form, click below.

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The Red Planet: 50 Years of Successful Mars Exploration

Mars regained the world’s attention this fall, with recent news of the discovery of liquid water on the planet and a new blockbuster film set on Earth’s nearest neighbor, The Martian. This is a timely moment to focus on Red Planet Day, November 28.

Celebrate the fourth planet from our solar system’s sun with our series of blogs discussing general information about Mars, some of the more than 40 space missions humans have launched to study the planet, a section on the future of Mars and plans for manned missions to the planet, and concluding with links to fiction and non-fiction on Mars.

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

Sometimes in the commercialization of the holidays we forget the sentiments that underlie the season. When all we see are turkeys and tables brimming with food and fall decorations, it can be easy to forget that a thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude. While in the U.S. this holiday commemorates a harvest festival, days of thanksgiving are common all around the world and celebrated in Canada, Liberia, the Netherlands, Saint Lucia, Australia, the United Kingdom, Granada, and there are even holidays with similar meanings in Germany and Japan.

The Golden Rule of Online Safety

While there are some suggestions that show up on every internet safety list, like instructing your child not to give out personal information or their location via text or social media, the one safety tactic touted across the board is awareness. Parental awareness is the key to online safety.

Making the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences

With fall, the first report cards and parent-teacher conferences of the academic year arrive. Liberty Traditional School, your Phoenix charter school, is no exception to this rule. Information on these one-on-one sessions with your child’s teacher will be going home shortly, making this the perfect time to discuss how to ensure these meetings are successful and useful for all involved. Every year there is more research documenting the connections between academic achievement and parental involvement in schools. Liberty believes firmly that parent engagement in education is vital to the academic success of every student, and encourages parents to be active participants in their student’s academic growth. We all—parents, students, teachers, staff, and administration—play important roles in the achievement of a shared goal: academic and character achievement.

Fire Prevention Week

October is Fire Safety month. During the week of October 4-10 the country celebrates Fire Prevention Week.

A Nod to the Past

Fire Prevention Week is the longest running public health and safety observance on record. Woodrow Wilson, in 1920, proclaimed the first Fire Prevention Week. Since 1925, presidents have signed proclamations calling for a national observance every year.

Join us for Hispanic Heritage Night!

Join us on Tuesday, September 29th, from 5-7 p.m. for Hispanic Heritage Night. There will be a family potluck*, guest speakers, jumping castles, music and more! We will meet in the sanctuary. All parents must sign in to receive a ticket for food. Please note, food tickets will only be available until 5:30 p.m. Don’t miss the fun!

*Please contact Montse, (602) 442-8791, to sign up for the potluck.

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Grandparents Day with Liberty Traditional in Phoenix


Grandparents bestow upon their grandchildren
The strength and wisdom that time
And experience have given them.

Grandchildren bless their Grandparents
With a youthful vitality and innocence
That help them stay young at heart forever.

Together they create a chain of love
Linking the past with the future.
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part…
