Transitioning From Summer to School

As a new academic year begins, students start school with new goals, opportunities, and challenges. After a few months of vacation, it may be difficult for children to get back into school mode. Here are some ways parents can help their kids transition from summer break into the school routine.

Summer Safety Tips

Summer is a time for kids to play outside and make memories with their family. But with the extra freedom that summer brings, the potential dangers for kids increase. Here are a few safety tips to make certain kids are safe:

Maximize Your Summer

School is out for the summer! Here is a helpful guide for parents on how to have a fun and productive summer.

Good Luck, Mr. Zizis—You’ll Be Missed!

Students, faculty, and staff bid a sad farewell to Mr. Zizis, dean of students. We thank him for his many contributions to the school and to the lives of Liberty’s students over the past nine years.

Summer’s Coming!

It’s May, which means promotion and graduation for kindergarteners and 8th graders, while every student will be making the transition from school to summer break.

Here are some dates parents and students will want to remember:

Choosing the Right High School

High school is a big step in every teenager’s life. Parents can make their student’s transition from middle school to high school easier by asking all the right questions and taking all the right steps in deciding which school works best for your child. Here are some tips on what to look for and ask when looking at high schools.

6th Graders to Explore Earth’s Energy

On Wednesday, May 9th, the 6th graders at Liberty will be experimenting with renewable energy resources. The students will make clean energy using wind, water, and the sun as sources of power. Parents should note that this will be a half day.

It’s a Spring Fiesta!

Join us on Friday, May 4, 8:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., to celebrate Cinco de Mayo one day early at our Spring Fiesta. We’ll have jumping castles, games, and vendors selling food and beverages. Students who pre-register online for the 2018-2019 school year will get in free! Come out and join the fun!

Attention Parents

As you are probably aware, there are Arizona teachers supporting the Red for Ed teacher walkout. Despite the work stoppage in some areas, please be assured that we will be open on Thursday, April 26th and Friday, April 27th. For further details, please refer to the letter below from our Superintendent, Jackie Trujillo.

ACS Prepared to Inform Parents/Guardians on Potential Red for Ed Actions

As you may be aware, Arizona teachers are considering potential action to support the Red for Ed movement. Parents should be assured that we will do everything we can to provide you with as much information as is currently possible and, first and foremost, plans will be developed with student well-being and safety as our continued top priority!

National Poetry Month

April brings sunshine, spring flowers, and a month dedicated to poetry. National Poetry Month takes place every April to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry.