Don’t Miss Our 100th Day of School

Don’t miss school January 12, when we celebrate the 100th day of school. Water balloon toss, relay races, and other activities are planned for students, so let’s have perfect attendance January 12!

Fitness for Kids

Exercise keeps kids physically and mentally healthy. Children need at least one hour of physical activity a day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Getting active improves the immune system, makes bones stronger, and decreases risks of diseases later in life. Starting exercise at a young age can prevent certain types of cancers and will help blood pressure and bone density in the future. From rollerblading to joining a sports team, there are many options to get kids out and about.

Don’t Forget!

On December 20, students will have a 1 p.m. dismissal and there will be no after-school care.

Giving Back Year-Round

The holiday season is often called the season of giving. We remind our children that it is important to give to others less fortunate than us around Thanksgiving and Christmas because not everyone gets presents or has warm clothes to wear in the cold months. Parents can carry on the season of giving and make it a year-round occasion that kids will look forward to.

Thanksgiving Feast

Parents and guardians are invited to join students in the school cafeteria on Tuesday, November 21, for our annual Thanksgiving Feast.


We previously gave the wrong dates for the Thanksgiving Feast and Thanksgiving Break. The correct information is:

Thanksgiving Feast – November 21
Thanksgiving Break – November 22-24

We apologize for the error.

Reading Under the Stars

On November 17, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Liberty students and their families are invited to get into their favorite cowboy gear and gather ’round the campfire for storytelling, a puppet show, some cowboy chow, and more.

5 Ways to Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is essential for kids’ growth and physical development. The right nutrients help to gain more energy, improve mental performance, and boost the immune system. Just saying “avoid junk food” is not enough to convince kids to make healthy choices. These tips for healthy eating will get you and your child on the right path.

Let’s Put the Spotlight on Students

Parents are invited to spend 45 minutes in their student’s classroom, observing Liberty’s instructional methods and getting a better understanding of their child’s academic life.

Teaching Kids the Dangers of Smoking

On the third Thursday of every November, smokers around the nation come together to take part in the American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. This event challenges smokers to quit using tobacco products and provides them with resources to stay away. Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the world, which is why the Great American Smokeout remains an important event.

Your Good Will Deserves Our Thanks

The generosity and good will of Liberty families raised $652 for our recent Goodwill Fundraiser. The teachers, administrators, and staff of Liberty Phoenix would like to express appreciation for the support of all the parents who consistently help us reach our fundraising goals.

History Of Halloween

What do you think of when you hear the word Halloween? Eating an endless amount of treats, playing scary pranks, or carving giant pumpkins may pop into your mind. October 31 brings a day full of costumes and trick-or-treating. But why do we celebrate Halloween? This spooky holiday dates far back and has changed quite a bit over the years.