Kinder Counts
Welcome to Liberty Traditional Saddleback Kindergarten
At Liberty Traditional School in Douglas, we believe that high-quality early childhood education is essential for a strong academic foundation that advocates lifelong learning. Full-day kindergarten programs allow youngsters to develop strong academic, social, and emotional skills. Additionally, children who participate in full-day kindergarten demonstrate better reading and math skills than those in half-day programs, and these students show higher retention and lower dropout rates throughout their academic careers.
Any students that are the age of 5 by September 1st can enroll for kindergarten classes.
That’s why, at Liberty Traditional School, we feel it’s important to provide:
FREE full-day Kindergarten
FREE breakfast program
FREE before- and after-school care, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., every school day
Liberty Traditional School Kindergarten
Giving Students a Great Start

Liberty Traditional School kindergarten can give your child the best start in his or her education. Liberty Traditional School has all the benefits of a private school education—small classrooms, highly qualified teachers, a rigorous academic and values-based curriculum—without the prohibitive tuition. Our kindergarteners attend school for a full day at no extra cost, better preparing them for further classroom involvement. You can send your child to school confident that they will be part of an engaging and challenging learning environment and that their needs, whatever they may be, will be met by our attentive, caring, and knowledgeable teachers, administrators, and staff.
The school also offers free before- and after-school care for students and a free breakfast program (details are in the Student Handbook).
Liberty Traditional School Kindergarten Curriculum
Our kindergarteners, like all of our other students, are educated in core subject areas with grade-level-appropriate content. At Liberty Traditional School in Douglas, we implement a rigorous academic curriculum, which aligns with the Arizona State Standards. Below are some of the main topics studied in each subject area in Liberty Traditional School kindergarten.
Language Arts
Phonics; choral reading; listening to literature, music, and poetry; oral communication; following and giving directions; paraphrasing and summarizing; speaking and relating experiences in complete sentences; correct speech habits; and writing words.
Simple counting; concepts of more, less, and the same; meaning of addition and subtraction; numbers and numerals; correspondence of quantities; estimation; basic geometry (shapes); calendar and clock; money denominations; basic problem-solving; and basic charts and graphs.
Common animals and plants; interrelationships of animals and plants; farm animals; plants that are alike and different; care of pets; weather and seasons; temperature; colors; senses; sun, moon, Earth, stars, planets; and simple measurement.
Social Studies
Meanings of holidays and traditions; family, home, school, and community roles; work and jobs; basic human needs as well as awareness of others; and safety rules and symbols.
Health and Safety
Personal hygiene; healthy eating habits; grooming and caring for teeth; physical fitness; and safety to and from school.
Character Education
Liberty Traditional School Douglas’s unique character education program fosters students’ academic and personal growth by implementing important values like trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.