By now many of you have made New Year resolutions. The beginning of a new year is an appropriate time to look forward with new optimism and resolve.
We would like to encourage our students and families to make some resolutions related to school. Maybe you need to strive for better attendance. Maybe you need to finally learn those multiplication tables!
Here are some suggestions for goals for students and/or parents.
- Get to bed earlier on school nights
- Get up earlier in order to eat a good breakfast
- Turn off the TV and read for 30 minutes every night
- Ask to see your student’s homework when it is completed
- Maintain better attendance
- Drill math facts while dinner is being fixed
- Read aloud between student and parent
- Start homework earlier in the evening
- Stop procrastinating on major projects or papers
- Routinely clean out backpacks and keep them organized
- Ask questions about school every day
- Routinely check your student’s academic progress with the teacher or online
We know that you can think of resolutions to improve academic performance that are directly related to your personal challenges. We encourage you to set reasonable goals (one at a time is often best) that are measureable in terms of progress or results.
Happy New Year from the Liberty family to yours!