Apply for Free or Reduced-Priced Meals
You may qualify for free or reduced-priced meals at Liberty. If you haven’t received a notice that your children were automatically approved, then complete the application to determine if your children are eligible. Only one application is needed per household, and citizenship or immigration status is not a factor in determining your eligibility for benefits.
Our schools work all year long to ensure the nutritional health of our students is a top priority. Learning on a full and healthy stomach is important! We work with parents and our community to ensure that we have the best plan for our students nutritional, health and well-being for our site. Parents are invited to participate in the development, review and implementation of our Wellness Plan.
Please fill out the attached lunch application, and if you are interested in working with us on our Wellness Plan, or have suggestions for improvement, please contact either Amanda Herd (amandam.herd@gmail.com) or Teri Brown (btbrown426@comcast.net).
Download English Parent Letter
Download Spanish Parent Letter
Download English Instructions
Download Spanish Instructions
Download English Application Packet
Download Spanish Application Packet
Income Eligibility Guidelines