We are applying for the 21st Century Afterschool Grant

The 21st Century Afterschool Grant funds are dedicated exclusively to the improvement of after-school programs. We are excited to apply for this grant to help our program improve and thrive. Stay tuned!

10 Great Reasons to Like Going to School

Here are some cheerful thoughts for our wonderful Liberty students.

It’s great to have weekends and vacations. We all need them! But what would you REALLY do if you didn’t go to school most days? Let’s face it, most students get a little bored just hanging around home. When was the last time you were at home and told your parents “there’s nothing to do”?

You’re invited to our Yard Sale/ Hamburger Cookout

Calling all Liberty families! Join us Saturday, February 28th for our Yard Sale/Hamburger Cookout. Find items you have been searching for at bargain prices, and enjoy delicious BBQ food! See flyer for more information.

Please contact the front office at (520) 364-6311 for more information or any questions.

Download Flyer

What exactly is Title I?

Title I provides federal funds to help economically disadvantaged students meet at least the minimum state academic standards and proficiency on state assessments.

‘Tis the Season for Attendance Issues

This is the time of year when two seasons converge: the holiday season and cold and flu season! So there are two considerations regarding attendance that need to be mentioned. One is our request that when students are ill, they stay home. While we always want our students to be at school, we also want to minimize the spread of viruses across campus. An ill student can infect many classmates and teachers. Some schools across the country have already had to close their doors to try to contain the spread of the flu. And you may have heard that the 2014 flu shot has limited effectiveness because of the particular viruses this year. Absences due to illness are unavoidable. That’s one reason that regular attendance when you’re not sick is so important.

Keep Learning Alive During Holiday Break

Beginning December 22nd and joyfully extending through January 4th, we will be away from school appreciating family, friends and traditions. Time for splendid holiday fun and ringing in the New Year!