This year, Liberty is proud to begin using Beyond Textbooks. As Common Core standards are further implemented across the state, we are rising to meet the challenge. We want to help our students succeed by introducing this innovative program.
Here is a guide that lets you know all about our exciting new Beyond Textbooks program:
What is Beyond Textbooks?
Beyond Textbooks is a curriculum calendar of essential standards that chooses objectives based off of two attributes: endurance and readiness.
- Endurance: Provides students with knowledge and skills that will be valued beyond single test data by using weekly subject assessments
- Readiness: Provides students with essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for future success in the next grade level
How do teachers use it?
Teachers look at curriculum calendars to determine educational plans for their classroom. They are able to pick from an assortment of lesson plans and instructional resources, and choose which ones best fit their teaching style.
- Curriculum calendars are linked to specific web pages for user-friendly searching
- Formative assessments are given weekly based off of teachers chosen lesson plans and resources where 4 or 5 questions are given on different subjects
How are students taught with Beyond Textbooks?
Common Core teachings and questions are written in student friendly terms. Students are presented with questions that are written for specific grade levels. Examples for student use could be:
- Vocabulary is introduced and can be added to word walls
- Mystery of math facts
- Conceptual understanding
- Problem solving
Then what?
Formative assessments are given to individual students to determine learning levels. Test results are reviewed by the administration weekly.
- Results are sent to each grade level and students are identified as whether they exceeded, met or approached expectations
- Students who met (4/5 correct) or exceeded the standard (5/5 correct) engage in daily enrichment activities
- Students who scored less than 4/5 go to daily re-teaching sessions
- Re-teach and enrichment groups are fluid and can change weekly based on formative results
Overall, using Beyond Textbooks will be a positive experience for our teachers and students. Everyone will excel and grow, making achievable success reachable for years to come by using this comprehensive program of curriculum development, instructional improvement, student assessment and multi-level interventions.
If you have any questions about Beyond Textbooks call us at (520) 364-6311 or visit